EFT Fanta

  1. Prepare Your System: Loader CLICK ME

    • Ensure the following programs are not running and are not set to run as Administrator:

      • EscapeFromTarkov.exe

      • BSGLauncher.exe

    • Do not manually launch either program as Administrator.

  2. Initialize the Loader:

    • Run the loader and wait for the initialization process to complete.

  3. Handle BattlEye Spoofer Prompt:

    • When prompted, choose:

      • Yes if you want to enable BattlEye Spoofer.

      • Confirm that your disk serials are empty by using the hwidcheck tool located in the Tools folder.

  4. Launch EscapeFromTarkov:

    • Open the game, ensuring it is not running in full-screen mode.

  5. Access the Menu:

    • Press the Insert key during gameplay to open the EFT Fanta menu.

Injection: Integrating EFT Fanta with EscapeFromTarkov

  1. Submit HWID Reset Request:

    • Run the loader to automatically request an HWID reset.

  2. Wait for Approval:

    • Approval for HWID resets may take up to 24 hours. Please check back after this period.

HWID Resetting: Updating Your Hardware ID

  1. Enter Your Subscription Key:

    • Open the loader and input your valid Subscription Key when prompted.

  2. Wait for Activation:

    • Allow up to 5 minutes for your subscription to activate.

  3. Restart the Loader:

    • After activation, restart the loader to finalize the subscription setup.

Subscribing: Enabling Your Access

  1. Submit Registration:

    • Run the loader to automatically submit a registration request.

  2. Wait for Approval:

    • Registration approvals can take up to 24 hours. Please be patient.

Registration: Activating Your Software

  1. Create a Secure Folder:

    • Navigate to your desired directory and create a new folder.

    • Ensure this folder is at least three levels deep (e.g., C:\MainFolder\SubFolder\MyLoader).

  2. Store the Loader:

    • Place your .eftv loader file in the folder you just created.

  3. Rename Files:

    • Rename the loader and folder for added security. Choose non-descriptive names to minimize detection risk.

First Use: Setting Up Your Environment

Last updated